

This section includes teaching-learning approaches that emphasize on developing students’ skills rather than transmitting information. These active methodologies require then students do something (explore by themselves, read, write...) and involve the development of higher order thinking skills, values, ​​and attitudes.


It is a tool that enables collaboration and communication between the different members of the community through the exchange of opinions in real time. Its synchronous character sets it apart from the Forum. The chats can be divided according to the theme to be considered.


It is a communication tool that allows users to have asynchronous conversations that can last over time. Various types of forums can be distinguished, depending on their theme (general or specific) and the mode of participation. In a general forum all participants can at any time start and / or reply to a new discussion topic.


It is a collaborative tool that allows the creation of a kind of dictionary whose terms are arranged alphabetically and provide concise definitions of the relevant concepts of a specific topic of study.


The term Webinar (acronym of web and seminar) is defined as an online seminar where the speaker can interact with listeners remotely through collaborative media or channels such as a chat or conducting surveys or forums.

One of its main advantages is that, being conducted online, can be recorded to later be uploaded to the network, where other users can visualize, considerably increasing its range of audience.

The recent dissemination of webinars is due to their advantages in terms of accessibility and connection from anywhere, as well as the wide variety of specific topics that can be addressed with this format.

Some of the platforms that host this type of tool are:

  • Google Hangouts (free).
  • Zoom.
  • Go To Webinar.
  • Cisco Webex.
  • Easy Webinar.


  1. Area, M., Sannicolás, B., & Borrás, J. F. (2014). Webinar como estrategia de formación online: descripción y análisis de una experiencia / Webinar as strategy online training: description and analysis of an experience. Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa


A wiki is a Web 2.0 tool that allows registered users to interact in the edition of the same document or space with a common purpose.

The first known wiki, the WikiWikiWeb, was created by Cunningham in 1995.REFERENCES: GUZDAL (1999): https://www.researchgate.net/publication/2804108_Collaborative_Websites_Supporting_Open_Authoring

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